Blossity is an urban strategy consultancy.

We work with global brands, capital investors, and city leaders to shape boundary-blurring places where people thrive.

Blossity is an urban strategy consultancy. We work with global brands, capital investors, and city leaders to shape boundary-blurring places where people thrive.


Health and wellbeing

Active cities are attractive cities – and the people living in them are happier. Studies show how cities that enable physical activity experience long-term and far-reaching benefits. When people move their bodies more, it has a direct impact on city life: traffic, pollution, and crime drop, while productivity, school performance, retail spending, property values, health & wellbeing rise. Blossity helps city leaders and capital investors shape comprehensive urban strategies that turn intentions into impact.

#activecities #madetomove #healthycities #placemaking

Corporate urbanism

Cities are home to urban talent employed in competitive corporations and to discerning consumers who value experience over stuff. Today’s city-culture calls for brands to have clear-cut urban strategies. Our specific expertise is in creating environments that unlock the full potential of your tenants and teammates, and beyond that, provide consumers new touchpoints in cities.
Blossity helps global corporations implement urban strategies through city-wide placemaking programmes and hands-on master planning for mixed use campuses that win the war for talent.

#brandurbanism #businessofcities #urbancampus #innovationdistricts

Curious, Fast-Paced
and Street-Smart.


To Stick or
Not To Stick


Jorick Beijer

A born and raised urbanist, free-spirit and industry thought leader, Jorick is the voice of Blossity. Having started design and development projects at just 20, Jorick’s ventures in the built space since then have been driven by deep curiosity. Now well-positioned in the nexus of the real estate universe, Jorick advises executives on how to make the most of new urban futures.

Jorick has acquired an international approach to urbanism through his studies in Delft and Los Angeles. Over the last few years Jorick has been Director and driving force behind The Class of 2020, Europe’s leading think tank on student living. Jorick is a visiting studio teacher at Delft University of Technology and a global keynote speaker on cities, innovation, and investment.


Christian Pappalardo

Born in Sicily, Christian moved to Milan for his studies and now observes cities and visual culture from Amsterdam. Building on a background in brand and content design, his creativity has taken an increasingly multidisciplinary approach. It’s in urban projects where Christian explores how the conceptual power of design creates meaningful solutions in many different forms.

Christian embodies our vision of living-working-learning as a non-linear and lifelong process, as he is currently enrolled at the Rietveld Academy of Art in Amsterdam.


Marije Blok

Blossity was born out of a desire to bridge the gap between human behaviour and the built environment. This has led to a deeper understanding of how places affect people, both physically and emotionally – and vice versa.

Marije’s social science background enables her to bring science to strategic decision-making. Within the team, she drives our insights into long-term consumer trends and evidence-based impact strategies.

Marije is currently completing her PhD at the VU University Amsterdam, Department of Sociology.