Hofplein 20
3032AC Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Blossity is an urban strategy consultancy.
We work with global brands, universities, and city leaders to shape places where people thrive.
Our purpose at Blossity is to create STICKY CITIES where talent, business, and investment don’t just arrive – they stay and thrive. It’s about building ecosystems where people and organisations can unlock their full potential and contribute to stronger cities.
What drives this stickiness? It’s a combination of quality of life, rich urban culture, seamless connectivity, growth opportunities and strong public-private partnerships that foster innovation and inclusion. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but our projects section shows how to drive stickiness step by step.
We coined the term ‘sticky cities’ at Blossity five years ago, and we’ve been working with global brands, universities and city leaders to create them ever since. Our approach to stickiness combines placemaking (hardware), compelling stories and positioning (software), and the programs and partnerships that set everything in motion (orgware).
At Blossity we don’t just build strategies – we also lead the change management process to ensure that stickiness becomes a reality.
The 7 determinants of stickiness in our cities
Every company trades in the asset of place, even if they don’t realise it yet. Today’s urban culture calls for clear, forward-thinking urban strategies that go beyond Corporate Real Estate. This is what we call CORPORATE URBANISM. Thinking beyond the workplace opens up new value models and drives meaningful change for your teams, tenants, and communities. At Blossity, we bring deep expertise in the diplomacy required to build strong public-private partnerships that turn ambition into action.
Blossity works with global corporates, translating their unique cultures and values into citywide placemaking initiatives and mixed-use campuses that win in the war for talent.
The CITY AS CAMPUS concept recognises that schools have long been special places: rooted locally yet networked globally, connected to the past yet shaping the future. Higher education and research institutions are increasingly recognised as key players in addressing societal challenges and driving sustainable growth in today’s knowledge economy.
Done right, these institutions have the superpower to help revitalise neighbourhoods through their places, programs and people. Better still, they can transform the city into a living laboratory, shaping urban innovation ecosystems that tackle real societal challenges. Blossity works with leading universities and innovation districts to redefine their impact on cities and communities.

Jorick Beijer
A born-and-raised urbanist, free spirit, believer in the power of place, Jorick Beijer is recognized for shaping the future of cities. As the voice behind Blossity, Jorick is a trusted advisor in boardrooms around the world, guiding change and unlocking new opportunities in the built environment.
His innovative approach to creating ‘sticky cities’ – places where talent, business and culture thrive – has earned him recognition in publications such as Monocle and the Financial Times. His impact extends to international platforms, including appearances at MIPIM, the Urban Land Institute and WRLDCTY. As a former driving force behind The Class Foundation, Europe’s leading think tank on talent and cities, Jorick is well positioned at the nexus of higher education, economic development and real estate.
In addition to his role at Blossity, Jorick is a visiting studio teacher at Delft University of Technology and a sought-after keynote speaker. Rather than relying on static paper plans, Jorick prioritises storytelling and the creation of bold partnerships that deliver the tangible, impactful change our cities and communities deserve.
Christian Pappalardo
Born in Sicily, Christian moved to Milan for his studies and now observes cities and visual culture from Amsterdam. Building on a background in brand and content design, his creativity has taken an increasingly multidisciplinary approach. It’s in urban projects where Christian explores how the conceptual power of design creates meaningful solutions in many different forms.
Christian embodies our vision of living-working-learning as a non-linear and lifelong process, as he is currently enrolled at the Rietveld Academy of Art in Amsterdam.

Marije Blok
Marije and Jorick founded Blossity in 2013 out of a desire to bridge the gap between human behaviour and the built environment, fostering a deeper understanding of how spaces affect people’s wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.
With a background in health sciences, Marije integrates scientific evidence into strategic decision-making. Within the Blossity team, she leads research into the long-term trends shaping the future of living, working and learning, and is responsible for developing evidence-based strategies in collaboration with our clients.
Marije recently completed her PhD in Sociology at the VU University Amsterdam.